Elevate your dream home experience by partnering with a lighting designer early on in the design phase, taking out the guess work and optimizing the look and feel of your space.
From high-end customs to more conservative builds. We have 3 residential packages for you to select the right package for your project
Gyms, Education, Hospitality, Restaurants, Medical, Multi-Family, Factories, Parking Lots. If you are an electrical engineer looking to add to your team, architect or business owner we have custom solutions available for your needs. Contact us to discuss your project
(3,000sf min - 8,000sf max for Essential service level)
(4,000sf min - 10,000sf max for Essential service level)
(8,000sf min - 100,000sf max for Essential service level)
* 4 month limit, after that additional design revisions will be hourly rate
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Landscape lighting has it's own tricks of the trade and requires a specific plan with drivers, run lengths, planning for tree growth and harsh exterior environments. Make your landscape beautiful by planning the lighting with TK Lighting Design
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Creating beautifully illuminated lobby's, retail spaces, schools, medical facilities, you name it we have done it and lighting plays a huge part. Commercial designs are much like the "Executive" package for residential in that we will meet and create concepts, schematic design then design development + 1 round of cha
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Creating beautifully illuminated lobby's, retail spaces, schools, medical facilities, you name it we have done it and lighting plays a huge part. Commercial designs are much like the "Executive" package for residential in that we will meet and create concepts, schematic design then design development + 1 round of changes included in the cost. Additional changes will be additional charges based on design hours
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General Area Lighting Layout and Photometrics (different than landscape lighting design).
Thomas Fuller